Epagneul Breton del Lorenzotto Epagneul Breton del Lorenzotto


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Del Lorenzotto Kennel - Bula
(ad un anno)
Ch It. Lav.; Ch It. Bell.; Ch. It. Ass.;
Ch Inter. Lav.

We started breeding as "DEL LORENZOTTO KENNEL" officially in1982 when, having mated a bitch out of the field trial champion POULTRO de KERANLOUAN to the Italian field trial champion FEDERICO, an extraordinary litter was born. All of them but one went to rough shooters; the one, a black and white female whose name was BULA, had superior qualities. She became Italian field trial champion, International field trial champion, Italian beauty champion, Italian absolute champion.
BULA is the founder of our kennel.
Our kennel has always bred a few puppies a year, up to now (2004) the dogs produced by our kennel don't exceed the number of 120, but this notwithstanding, in 1989 the E.N.C.I. ( the Italian Kennel Club), awarded "DEL LORENZOTTO KENNEL" a gold medal for its results in official field trials.
Our breeding aim is:
  • Exasperate the breed hunting drive, preserving the type;
  • Fight genetic diseases.
Quality not quantity is our concern.

Breeding of the Lorenzotto - Diploma of Italian champion Epagnel Breton

Breeding of the Lorenzotto - Diploma of Italian champion Bula

Breeding of the Lorenzotto - Federation Cynologique Internationale

Breeding of the Lorenzotto - National Agency of the Italian Cinofilia

Allevamento del Lorenzotto - Federation Cynologique Internationale
homologation of a CACIT from part of the Federation Cynologique Internationale